LASIK Under 40: Why You Shouldn’t Delay Your Procedure

“I can see!” is the first thing Dr. Fava hears after performing laser vision correction. The second thing is, “why didn’t I do this sooner?”.

For most people, LASIK is a life changer and a no-brainer. The technology involved in the procedure has come so far in the past ten years, with bladeless technology offering greater precision and safety.

Most LASIK eye surgeons agree on 25 – 40 as the ideal age range for the procedure. Read on for some of the rationales.


It’s a great time to get LASIK if you’re under 40 years of age (and over 25). Your eyes have reached maturity, so to speak, around the age of 21. Meaning, your eyes have stopped growing, and your vision prescription has stabilized.

Further, you are generally at peak health and muscle strength between the ages of 25 – 40. So, you can better withstand any risks during surgery and bounce back more quickly after surgery. Did you know that the average elite marathoner is 28? Now you know.

Finally, you are unlikely to have developed any age-related eye conditions that could impact the procedure. For example, with age-related cataracts, the lens within your eye becomes cloudy, and LASIK cannot correct the blurriness caused by the disorder.


We’re not saying to rush into it. It’s critical to do your research and choose your surgeon carefully. And remember that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to LASIK. You should have a proper consultation with a reputable LASIK surgeon to determine if you are a good candidate and communicate your goals and expectations.

Most of us are well-suited to blade-free laser vision correction. But not all of us. Find out here if you’re a good candidate.


If you’ve done the research and you think you’re a good candidate for LASIK, you should pull the trigger (after a proper consultation). Just think of all the money you’re throwing away when you buy designer eyeglasses and contact lenses. You can do the math here!

And if you know that you’ll eventually get LASIK, there’s no better time than the present. Waiting on a promotion or raise is a noble rationale, but you just must think about the opportunity cost (the forgone benefit that would have been derived from an option not chosen).

Nowadays, there are financing options available to make the investment more palatable. And you can even deduct laser eye surgery as a medical expense on your taxes. Dr. Fava advises folks not to be fooled by promotions and low prices offered at some assembly line-type clinics. The truth is, you get what you pay for. And you should not be taking a gamble when it comes to those precious peepers.


Book a free, no-pressure consultation today to save $800 on your procedure. We'll also discuss financing options to help you find the best way to get clear vision sooner!